Paper NS+BI-ThA2
De Novo Nanostructure Design: from Protein Folding to Self-Assembly-Templated Nanomaterials
Thursday, October 21, 2010, 2:20 pm, Room La Cienega
Rational design of self-assembled nano-to-micro scale structures offers an efficient tool for molecular nanotechnology improving our ability to engineer nanostructured materials at whim. Such attention is driven by the need for approaches leading to specialist nanostructures whose properties can relate to particular biological functions. Critical in this respect becomes the hierarchical nature of self-assembly rendering the process a “bottom-up” strategy in challenging different levels of nanostructural complexity [1].
Generic protein folding motifs are proving to be instrumental for prescriptive nanoscale engineering. Of particular demand are nanostructures which can be made functionally and architecturally amenable in cellular environments. In this report, bioinspired nanoscale designs based on peptide self-assembling systems possessing antimicrobial [2], cell-supporting [3], encapsulating[4] and tuneable morphological[5] properties will be discussed.
1. Ryadnov, M. G. (2009) Bionanodesign: Following the Nature’s touch. RSC Publishing, 250 pp.
2. Ryadnov, M. G., Mukamolova, G. V., Hawrani, A. S., Spencer, J. & Platt, R. (2009) RE-coil: An antimicrobial peptide regulator. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 9676-9679.
3. Ryadnov. M. G., Bella, A., Timson, S. & Woolfson, D. N. (2009) Modular design of peptide fibrillar nano- to microstructures. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 13240-13241.
4. Ryadnov, M.G. (2007) A self-assembling peptide polynanoreactor. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 46, 969-972 .
5. Ryadnov, M. G. & Woolfson, D. N. (2003) Engineering the morphology of a self-assembling protein fibre. Nature Mater., 2, 329-332.