AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session NS+AS+MN-WeM

Paper NS+AS+MN-WeM2
Surface Preparation of Supported Flat Gold Nanoparticles for use as Au(111) Single Crystal Substrates

Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 8:20 am, Room La Cienega

Session: Characterization and Imaging at Nanoscale
Presenter: D.H. Dahanayaka, The University of Oklahoma
Authors: D.H. Dahanayaka, The University of Oklahoma
L.A. Bumm, The University of Oklahoma
Correspondent: Click to Email

Flat gold nanoparticles (FGNPs) grown in aqueous solution have large Au(111) facets that are excellent substrates for scanning probe microscopy. However adsorbed stabilizers (e.g. polyelectrolytes) must be removed or displaced before the FGNP surfaces can be used as single crystal surfaces. We have explored the effects of plasma cleaning, UV ozone, and thermal annealing on the surface roughness and the Au(111) terrace structure using STM.

This work has been supported by NSF CAREER grant No. CHE- 0239803, NSF MRSEC No. DMR-0080054, NSF No. DMR-0805233d NSF, and AFOSR No. FA9550- 06-1-0365.