AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session NS+AS+MN-WeM

Paper NS+AS+MN-WeM10
Comparison of Resonant-Frequency Techniques for AFM Nanomechanical Mapping

Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 11:00 am, Room La Cienega

Session: Characterization and Imaging at Nanoscale
Presenter: D.C. Hurley, NIST
Authors: D.C. Hurley, NIST
J.P. Killgore, NIST
A.B. Kos, NIST
A. Gannepalli, Asylum Research
R. Proksch, Asylum Research
Correspondent: Click to Email

Contact-resonance force microscopy (CR-FM) is an emerging AFM technique for quantitative imaging of near-surface nanoscale mechanical properties. In CR-FM, the resonant frequency f of the cantilever is measured when the tip is in contact with the sample. Mechanical-property values are obtained from the frequency data with the use of models for the vibrating cantilever and the tip-sample contact. Contact-resonance measurements were originally made at a fixed sample position with off-the-shelf electronics. However, to achieve sufficient speed for CR-FM imaging, it has been necessary to develop new instrumentation approaches. Here we describe work to directly compare three methods for CR-FM imaging: the SPRITE (Scanned Probe Resonance Image Tracking Electronics) approach developed at NIST, the DART (Dual AC Resonance Tracking) approach developed by Asylum Research, and the BE (Band Excitation) method originally developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and implemented by Asylum Research. Each method enables contact-resonance frequency mapping but achieves it through different practical implementations. First, we will discuss the concepts on which each method is based. Next, results of comparison experiments will be presented in which images were acquired with each method in succession on the same AFM instrument. A variety of specimens were imaged to probe the strengths and limitations of each method. For example, we found that DART could operate at higher scan speeds, while SPRITE and BE were better able to track very asymmetric peaks that presumably originate from nonlinear tip-sample interactions. Both DART and BE provide values of the resonance quality factor Q in addition to the resonant frequency f, while currently SPRITE measures f only. Despite these differences, the methods yielded similar results in many cases. The availability of a broader array of frequency mapping tools will ultimately facilitate the widespread application of CR-FM to nanoscale materials science.