AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Marine Biofouling Topical Conference Monday Sessions
       Session MB+BI+AS-MoA

Paper MB+BI+AS-MoA4
Influence of the Characteristics of a Mineral Coating on its Ability to Resist to the Biofouling

Monday, October 18, 2010, 3:00 pm, Room Navajo

Session: Preventing & Characterizing Marine Biofouling
Presenter: T.H. Tran, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, France
Correspondent: Click to Email

Mortars are building material with a high primary bioreceptivity and thus, they are easily colonized by different microorganisms... But green algae and cyanobacteria are the main which affect the aesthetics of the facade. Besides the aesthetical problem, an economical problem exists because of the expensive restoration of facade.
This work aimed to study the influence of the intrinsic parameters of a Portland cementitious mortar (roughness, porosity and surface alkalinity) on the algae development in laboratory and also in situ experiments. The degree of fouling was evaluated by means of colorimetric measurements and image analysis.
The roughness played an important role in algae establishment: the higher the roughness, the easier the algae adhesion. The carbonation, reducing surface alkalinity, shortened remarkably the latency time of the fouling onset.
From experimental results, a model was built to predict the fouling of mortar. This model was based on processes such as "germination" - growth. Each rate law was determined separately by image analysis.