AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Exhibitors & Manufacturers Technology Spotlight Tuesday Sessions
       Session EW-TuL

Paper EW-TuL4
Recent Developments in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Data Acquisition and Processing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 1:00 pm, Room Southwest Exhibit Hall

Session: Exhibitors & Manufacturers Technology Spotlight
Presenter: D.J. Surman, Kratos Analytical Inc.
Authors: D.J. Surman, Kratos Analytical Inc.
C. Moffitt, Kratos Analytical Inc.
C.J. Blomfield, Kratos Analytical Ltd., UK
A.J. Roberts, Kratos Analytical Ltd., UK
S.J. Hutton, Kratos Analytical Ltd., UK
G. Mishra, Kratos Analytical Ltd., UK
Correspondent: Click to Email

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a powerful analytical technique for material characterization. Over the last several years the instrumentation associated with this technique has undergone many significant enhancements and changes that have substantially improved the capability and effectiveness. These improvements have been related to both the hardware and software systems. We have previously described enhancements that relate to both spectroscopy and imaging as well as detector designs. In this presentation we will describe newer developments that have extended the range of materials that can be analyzed as well as substantially improved the interpretation and understanding of the data.

New developments in the use of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) for the preparation and analysis of organic surfaces will be presented. These developments have resulted from an enhanced understanding of the processes involved and optimization of the sputtering conditions required to achieve optimal results. Once the spectral data has been obtained, improvements and the development of new software processing techniques have been employed to further enhance the information content and understanding of the sample composition. The application of these techniques to both organic and inorganic materials will be described.