AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Biomaterials Plenary Session Sunday Sessions
       Session BP-SuA

Invited Paper BP-SuA1
The Effect of a Polymer Brush Coating on Protein Adsorption, Bacterial Adhesion, and Biofilm Formation

Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:00 pm, Room Taos

Session: Detecting, Characterizing and Controlling Biofouling
Presenter: W. Norde, Wageningen University, University Medical Center Groningen and University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Correspondent: Click to Email

Adsorption of proteins from biofluids is considered to be the first event in the biofouling process. Subsequently, micro-organisms and/or biological cells (e.g. blood platelets, erythrocytes) adhere to the surface and a biofilm may be developed. In this paper, generic principles of the interaction between a polymer brush and indwelling particles (globular proteins; micro-organisms) are explained and illustrated with some experimental results. Furthermore, the influence of a polymer brush on the development and characterization of a biofilm is discussed.