AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Friday Sessions
       Session BI+MN-FrM

Invited Paper BI+MN-FrM3
A Microfluidic Single Cell Isolation Device for Ensemble Measurements of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Pathogenesis in Macrophages

Friday, October 22, 2010, 9:00 am, Room Taos

Session: Sensors & Fluidics for Biomedical Applications
Presenter: C.D. James, Sandia National Laboratories
Authors: M.W. Moorman, Sandia National Laboratories
J.B. Ricken, Sandia National Laboratories
R.F. Renzi, Sandia National Laboratories
R.P. Manginell, Sandia National Laboratories
C.S. Branda, Sandia National Laboratories
O.A. Negrete, Sandia National Laboratories
C.D. James, Sandia National Laboratories
B.D. Carson, Sandia National Laboratories
Correspondent: Click to Email

Arenaviruses are a particular class of viruses that cause lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans, and a fundamental problem in understanding their pathogenicity is that many effects of viral infection are not mediated directly by the virus itself (primary immune response) but by the response of the immune system (secondary immune response). Thus, population level experiments on cells make it difficult to elucidate the timing of signaling events during pathogenesis in order to lay the groundwork for improved antiviral therapeutics, vaccines, and biological countermeasures. Our objective here is to deconvolute the pathogenic response by isolating and infecting individual macrophage host cells followed by real-time measurements of response-critical cytokines. We have developed a microfluidic cell isolation platform that can trap up to 150 individual host cells in fluidically isolated microchambers. The chip design eliminates chamber-to-chamber fluidic communication, thus signaling molecules that are secreted from infected cells are prevented from interacting with uninfected cells. This configuration allows us to differentiate between primary and secondary immune response when compared to bulk cell population level studies. The chip is made with a three level reactive-ion etch process in silicon that produces trapping features that place cells adjacent to an anodically-bonded coverslip to permit high-resolution confocal imaging. The microfluidic device is operated with a custom pressure controller system that permits computer-controlled delivery and routing of up to 10 different reagents. Currently, we are using experimental and computational techniques to identify the mechanisms by which arenaviruses provoke lethal cytokine production in host cells. This is accomplished with a fluorescent reporter fusion construct that we developed to measure the cytoplasm-to-nucleus translocation dynamics of a transcription factor. This construct allows us to assess the early (< 1 hour) response of host cells to viral infection and when combined with a second reporter construct for real-time monitoring of cytokine induction, we are also able to monitor a late (>1 hour) immune response event. Initial studies using a viral mimic challenge showed oscillation of the transcription factor in and out of the nucleus over the first several hours of pathogen exposure, and a rapid 2X increase in cytokine induction over the first five hours post-infection. Future work will use a live Pichinde virus to examine transcription factor (NFkappaB) translocation and cytokine (TNFalpha, IFNbeta) induction dynamics.