AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Vacuum Technology Tuesday Sessions

Session VT-TuA
Extreme High Vacuum and Vacuum Metrology

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 2:00 pm, Room 2000
Moderator: N.T. Peacock, MKS Instruments, Inc.

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm VT-TuA1 Invited Paper
Extreme High Vacuum (XHV): The Need, Production and Measurement
M.L. Stutzman, P.A. Adderley, M. Poelker, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
2:40pm VT-TuA3
1450 m@super 3@ at 10@super -9@ Pa: One of the KATRIN Challenges
Chr. Day, R. Gumbsheimer, W. Herz, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany
3:00pm VT-TuA4
XHV Experience at Daresbury Laboratory
K.J. Middleman, J.D. Herbert, CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, UK
3:20pm VT-TuA5
Development of a New NIST Calibration Service Using the Comparison Method for Vacuum Gauges Spanning the Range 0.65 Pa to 130 kPa
J.H. Hendricks, P.J. Abbott, J.E. Ricker, J.H. Chow, NIST
3:40pm VT-TuA6
A Comparison of the High Vacuum Standards of the National Physical Laboratory of India and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA at 0.05 Pa using the Spinning Rotor Gauge
P. Mohan, National Physical Laboratory, India, P.J. Abbott, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:20pm VT-TuA8
A Linear Pressure Drop Gas Flow Calibrator
P.D. Levine, Zero K Designs
5:00pm VT-TuA10
A Memory of Jim Lafferty
J.H. Singleton, Consultant