AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions

Session NS+SS+TF-WeM
Nanotribology and Nanomechanics

Wednesday, November 15, 2006, 8:00 am, Room 2016
Moderator: J. Harrison, U.S. Naval Academy

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am NS+SS+TF-WeM1
Nanotribological Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films: The Effect of Annealing on Nanoscale Adhesion and Friction
D.S. Grierson, A.R. Konicek, A.V. Sumant, K. Sridharan, R.W. Carpick, UW-Madison
8:20am NS+SS+TF-WeM2
Spectromicroscopy of Tribochemistry: X-PEEM Characterization of Wear vs. Humidity for Ultrahard Carbon Films
A.R. Konicek, D.S. Grierson, A.V. Sumant, UW-Madison, N.N. Naguib, O. Auciello, J.A. Carlisle, Argonne National Lab, T.A. Friedmann, J.P. Sullivan, Sandia National Labs, J. Birrell, Advanced Diamond Tech., P.U.P.A. De Stasio, R.W. Carpick, UW-Madison
8:40am NS+SS+TF-WeM3 Invited Paper
The Role of Atomic Corrugation, Crystal Orientation, and Surface Chemical Bonding in the Nanotribology of Carbon-Based Systems
R.W. Carpick, University of Wisconsin-Madison
9:20am NS+SS+TF-WeM5
Influence of the Solvent Environment on the Contact Mechanics of Tip-Sample Interactions in Friction Force Microscopy of Self Assembled Monolayers
T.J. Colburn, G.J. Leggett, University of Sheffield, UK
9:40am NS+SS+TF-WeM6
Indentation of Individual and Multiple Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with AFM
H.W. Yap, R.W. Carpick, University of Wisconsin-Madison
10:40am NS+SS+TF-WeM9
Measurements and Modeling of Shear Modulus of Multiwalled Tungsten Disulfide Nanotubes
I. Kaplan-Ashiri, S.R. Cohen, N. Apter, H.D. Wagner, R. Tenne, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, G. Seifert, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany, R. Shneck, D. Barlam, Ben Gurion University, Israel
11:00am NS+SS+TF-WeM10
Deformation Behavior of Low-Density Nanoporous Dielectrics
S.O. Kucheyev, P.M. Bythrow, T.F. Baumann, C.A. Cox, Y.M. Wang, T. van Buuren, A.V. Hamza, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, J.E. Bradby, The Australian National University
11:20am NS+SS+TF-WeM11
Nanoporous Au - a 3D Network of Ultra-High Strength Nanowires
J. Biener, A.M. Hodge, J.R. Hayes, M. Duchaineau, L.A. Zepeda-Ruiz, A.V. Hamza, F. Abraham, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
11:40am NS+SS+TF-WeM12
Superconductivity Dependent Friction of Water, Nitrogen and Superheated He Films Adsorbed on Pb(111)
J. Krim, M. Highland, North Carolina State University
12:00pm NS+SS+TF-WeM13
In Situ Quantitative TEM Nanoindentation of Individual Nanoparticles and Nanoscale Materials
Z. Shan, A.M. Minor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, S.A. Syed Asif, O.L. Warren, Hysitron Inc.