AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Thursday Sessions

Session NS+BI-ThM
Biological and Molecular Applications of Nanoscale Structures

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 8:00 am, Room 2016
Moderator: H.G. Craighead, Cornell University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am NS+BI-ThM1 Invited Paper
A Nanometer-scale Gene Chip: Detecting Single Molecules of DNA using a Silicon Nanopore
G.L. Timp, Beckman Institute
8:40am NS+BI-ThM3
Single DNA Molecules Stretched in Electrospun Polymer Fibers
L.M. Bellan, J.D. Cross, E.A. Strychalski, J.M. Moran-Mirabal, H.G. Craighead, Cornell University
9:00am NS+BI-ThM4
Polypyrrole Based Nano-Electrode Arrays Produced by Colloidal Lithography
P. Lisboa, A. Valsesia, P. Colpo, F. Rossi, European Commission, Institute of Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
9:20am NS+BI-ThM5
Biofunctionalized Nanoshells for Biological Detection
J.E. Van Nostrand, Air Force Research Lab, C.S. Levin, Rice University, J.M. Slocik, Air Force Research Lab, J.D. Hartgerink, N.J. Halas, Rice University, M.P. Kadakia, Wright State University, R.R. Naik, Air Force Research Lab
9:40am NS+BI-ThM6
Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Films for the Development of TPB Biosensors
J. Wolstenholme, Thermo Electron Corporation, UK, K. Bonroy, G. Borghs, F. Frederix, IMEC, Belgium, R.G. White, Thermo Electron Corporation, UK
10:40am NS+BI-ThM9
Surface Nanostructuring using Colloidal Particles for Improved Biocompatibility
C.J. Nonckreman, P.G. Rouxhet, Ch.C. Dupont-Gillain, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium