AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Electronic Materials and Processing Thursday Sessions

Session EM1-ThA
Contacts to Organic and Molecular Devices

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 2:00 pm, Room 2001
Moderator: D.B. Janes, Purdue University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm EM1-ThA1 Invited Paper
Interfacial Transport Properties in Metal-Molecule-Semiconductor Diodes
J.W.P. Hsu, Sandia National Laboratories, W.J. Li, Simon Fraser University, Y. Jun, University of Minnesota, C. Highstrete, C.M. Matzke, Sandia National Laboratories, K.L. Kavanagh, Simon Fraser University, X.-Y. Zhu, University of Minnesota, A.A. Talin, S.V. Faleev, F. Leonard, Sandia National Laboratories, M.D. Halls, R. Krishnan, Indiana University
2:40pm EM1-ThA3
Oxygen-Modified Interaction of Evaporated Titanium with Organic Monolayers
J.J. Blackstock, Hewlett Packard Labs, W.F. Stickle, Hewlett Packard Company, C.L. Donley, D. Ohlberg, D.R. Stewart, R.S. Williams, Hewlett Packard Labs
3:00pm EM1-ThA4
Silicon-on-Insulator Based Nanogap Electrode Device for DNA Conductivity Measurements
S. Strobel, A.G. Hansen, Walter Schottky Institute, TU Munich, Germany, K. Arinaga, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan, M. Tornow, Walter Schottky Institute, TU Munich, Germany
3:20pm EM1-ThA5
Metallization of Organic Semiconductors: Interface Chemistry and Surface Morphology
K. Demirkan, C. Weiland, A. Mathew, J.J. Krajewski, University of Delaware, D. Allara, The Pennsylvania State University, R.L. Opila, University of Delaware
3:40pm EM1-ThA6
Characterization of Device Grade ITO/Conductive Polymer Interfaces Using Low Intensity Photoemission Spectroscopy and Electrospray In-Vacuum Deposition
Y. Yi, J.E. Lyon, M.M. Beerbom, R. Schlaf, University of South Florida
4:00pm EM1-ThA7 Invited Paper
Contact-Related Effects in Organic Thin Film Transistors
D.J. Gundlach, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:40pm EM1-ThA9
Ag Islands Decorated by C@sub 60@
C. Tao, T.J. Stasevich, T.L. Einstein, E.D. Williams, University of Maryland, College Park