AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Tuesday Sessions

Session AS+SS-TuM
Environmental Materials and X-ray Spectroscopies

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 8:00 am, Room 2005
Moderator: D.J. Gaspar, PNNL

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am AS+SS-TuM1 Invited Paper
Time-of-Flight SIMS in the Earth and Planetary Sciences
E.P. Vicenzi, D. Rost, Smithsonian Institution
8:40am AS+SS-TuM3
Characterization of Thin Films Produced by a Simulated Radioactive Dispersal Device
D.L. Blanchard, Jr., L.A. Snow, G.J. Lumetta, B.J. Cook, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, F.T. Harper, Sandia National Laboratories
9:00am AS+SS-TuM4
Characterization of Electrocoagulation Wastewater Treatment Floc and Aging Effects
J.A.G. Gomes, D.L. Cocke, H. Moreno, Lamar University, H.G. McWhinney, Praire View A&M University, G.M. Irwin, E. Peterson, Lamar University
9:20am AS+SS-TuM5
Evolution of Metal-Core Oxide-Shell Iron Nanoparticles as a Function of Time in an Aqueous Environment
D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Lab, P.G. Tratnyek, Oregon Health and Sciences Univ., J.E. Amonette, C.M. Wang, M.H. Engelhard, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Y. Qiang, University of Idaho, J.T. Nurmi, V. Sarathy, Oregon Health and Sciences Univ., J. Antony, University of Idaho
9:40am AS+SS-TuM6
Effects of Dopant Concentration and Microstrcutres on Ionic Conductivity in Samaria Doped Ceria Thin Films
Z.Q. Yu, Nanjing Normal University, C.M. Wang, M.H. Engelhard, D.E. McCready, V. Shutthanandan, R. Shao, PNNL, P. Nachimuthu, UNLV, O. Marina, I. Lyubinetsky, L.V. Saraf, S. Thevuthasan, PNNL
10:40am AS+SS-TuM9 Invited Paper
Getting Atomic-Scale Information from Complex Surfaces using Synchrotron Radiation
D.P. Woodruff, University of Warwick, UK
11:40am AS+SS-TuM12
X-ray Spectrometry with the NIST Transition Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter
T. Jach, N.W.M. Ritchie, J. Ullom, National Institute of Standards and Technology
12:00pm AS+SS-TuM13
Dynamical XPS Measurements
A. Dana, S. Suzer, Bilkent University, Turkey