AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Exhibitor Workshop Wednesday Sessions
       Session EW-WeL

Paper EW-WeL4
Manufacturing and Imaging of Magnetic Nanostructures: FIB and SEMPA Combined with UHV SEM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006, 1:00 pm, Room Exhibit Hall

Session: Exhibitor Workshop
Presenter: J. Westermann, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
Authors: J. Westermann, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
M. Oertel, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
T. Berghaus, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
M. Maier, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
G. Schaefer, Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

The capabilities of Omicrons NanoSAM, Multiscan and Nanoprobe systems have recently been extended by two new techniques. On the one hand, the UHV Gemini SEM column has been combined with a Focussed Ion Beam source (FIB) for surface structuring. On the other hand, magnetic domains can be imaged with the SEMPA technique (SEM with Polarisation Analysis). The FIB is a fully UHV compatible version of the Orsay Canion 31+, with a spot diameter down to 5 nm. Together with the UHV Gemini column, this unique combination allows "Cross beam"TM applications under true UHV conditions in the 10-8 Pa regime. A newly developed SEMPA detector based on the SPLEED principle@footnote 1@ allows the imaging of magnetic domains with resolution in the 10 nm regime. The SEMPA detetctor has been developed in collaboration with the University of Hamburg. Compared to other polarisation detectors, for example such as Mott detectors, it offers a superior spin asymetry (A > 0.25) and overall detetcion efficency (figure of merrit: A2I/I0 > 6*10-5). Two systems with sligthly different instrumental combinations are currently under construction. These instruments will enable their operators to create "arbitrarily" shaped nanoscale structures and optimise their properties. Goals are for example related to the understanding of exchange coupling between layers in dependence of the pattern shape, or understanding the electronic transport in dependence of the domain structures on the nanoscale, both topics closely related to the fields of magnetic data storage and spintronics. The techniques SEM, FIB, SEMPA may also be extended with dedicated Low Temperature STM for Tunneling Spectroscopy or Spin Tunneling, as well as with a four probe for conductivity measurements of the magnetic structures, for example in dependence of the domain structure or applied magnetic fields. @FootnoteText@ @footnote 1@R. Frömter, H.P. Oepen, J. Kirschner Appl. Phys. A 76, 869-871 (2003).