AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Surface Science Thursday Sessions

Session SS2-ThA
Gas-Surface Reaction Dynamics

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 203
Moderator: K.W. Kolasinski, University of Virginia

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS2-ThA1
Why is Formate Synthesis Insensitive to Copper Surface Structures?
J. Nakamura, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Y. Morikawa, Osaka University, Japan, G. Wang, Nankai University, China
2:20pm SS2-ThA2
Experimental and Computational Probes of Transition States on Surfaces
A.J. Gellman, D.S. Sholl, P.P. Ye, X. Li, Carnegie Mellon University
2:40pm SS2-ThA3 Invited Paper
Molecular Beam Studies of Rare Gas and HCl Collisions with Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers
B.S. Day, L.R. Fiegland, J.R. Morris, Virginia Tech
3:20pm SS2-ThA5
Gas-Surface Reaction Dynamics of NO on Iron Phthalocyanine Thin Films
S.R. Bishop, N.L. Tran, G.C. Poon, A.C. Kummel, University of California, San Diego
3:40pm SS2-ThA6
Extracting the Vibrational Ground State Reactivity of Methane on Ni(111) from Ensemble Averaged Experiments
D.R. Killelea, V. Campbell, A.L. Utz, Tufts University
4:00pm SS2-ThA7
Variable (T@sub g@, T@sub s@) Measurements of Alkane Dissociative Sticking Coefficients
K.M. DeWitt, L. Valadez, K.W. Kolasinski, I. Harrison, University of Virginia
4:20pm SS2-ThA8
First Principles Resonance Energies and Widths of Ions near Surfaces: N-Body Dynamical Predictions of Charge-Transfer Probabilities for Scattered Ions
K. Niedfeldt, E.A. Carter, Princeton University, P. Nordlander, Rice Univeristy
4:40pm SS2-ThA9
Formation of Multiply Charged Ions by Direct Recoil
X. Chen, Z. Sroubek, J.A. Yarmoff, University of California, Riverside