AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Surface Science Monday Sessions

Session SS2-MoA
Oxide Surfaces Structure and Reactivity

Monday, October 31, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 203
Moderator: M.A. Langell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS2-MoA1
Reconstrutions of the Polar Oxide Surface MgO(111)
S.E. Chamberlain, D.A. Human, X.F. Hu, H.C. Poon, D.K. Saldin, C.J. Hirschmugl, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2:20pm SS2-MoA2
Effects of CH@sub 3@OH, H@sub 2@O and O@sub 2@ on Ultrathin Ordered Alumina Films under Non-UHV conditions: Hydrogen Bonding and Pressure Gaps
M. Jain, F. Qin, M. Magtoto, J. Kelber, University of North Texas
2:40pm SS2-MoA3
Structural Characterisation and Reactivity of V@sub2@O@sub3@(0001) Thin Films
S. Guimond, M.A. Haija, A. Uhl, H. Kuhlenbeck, H.J. Freund, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany
3:00pm SS2-MoA4
The Multiple Roles of Oxygen in Organic Photo-oxidation on TiO2: Insights from Studies on a Model Photocatalyst Surface
M.A. Henderson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, J.M. White, M.D. Robbins, University of Texas at Austin, H. Uetsuka, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Japan, H. Onishi, Kobe University, Japan
3:20pm SS2-MoA5
Iron Oxide Thin Films as Supports for Model Catalytic Systems
S. Shaikhutdinov, Fritz-Haber Institute, Germany
3:40pm SS2-MoA6
Role of Dichlorocarbene in the Surface Chemsitry of Halomethanes on Fe@sub 3@O@sub 4@(111)-(2X2) ; a Comparative Thermal Desorption Study
Y. Le, G.G. Totir, G.W. Flynn, R.M. Osgood, Columbia University
4:00pm SS2-MoA7
Methyl Radical Chemistry on Clean and UO@sub3@-Covered Single Crystal Hematite Surfaces
L. Liu, Columbia University, P.C. Stair, Northwestern University
4:20pm SS2-MoA8
Characterization of the Co@sub 3@O@sub 4@(111) Single Crystal Surface
E.M. Marsh, M.A. Langell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
4:40pm SS2-MoA9
The Interaction of Carbonyls with Oxide Surfaces: The Adsorption of Formaldehyde on CeO@sub X@(111)
J. Zhou, D.R. Mullins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
5:00pm SS2-MoA10
Structure and Reactivity of the Positively and Negatively Poled Surfaces of LiNbO@sub 3@(0001)
M. Li, D. Liao, E.I. Altman, Yale University