AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Monday Sessions

Session AS-MoA
Electron Spectroscopies

Monday, October 31, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 206
Moderator: R.L. Opila, University of Delaware

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm AS-MoA1 Invited Paper
High Resolution XPS and EELS of Assembled Organic Monolayers
J.-J. Pireaux, University of Namur, Belgium
2:40pm AS-MoA3
Evaluation of Electron Back-scattering in Auger Analysis using a Cross-sectioned GaAs/AlAs Superlattice
M. Suzuki, N. Urushihara, S. Iida, N. Sanada, ULVAC-PHI, Inc., Japan, D.F. Paul, J.S. Hammond, Physical Electronics, A. Yamamoto, ULVAC-PHI, Inc., Japan
3:00pm AS-MoA4
Angle Resolved XPS for Characterization and Metrology of Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxynitride Films
C.R. Brundle, C. R. Brundle & Associates, G. Conti, Y. Uritsky, Applied Materials, Inc., P. Mack, Thermo Electron Inc., UK
3:20pm AS-MoA5
Multi-Technique Characterization of Iron Nanoparticles
D.R. Baer, M.H. Engelhard, C.M. Wang, K.H. Pecher, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, R.L. Penn, University of Minnesota, P.G. Tratnyek, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Y. Qiang, University of Idaho, D.E. McCready, J.C. Linehan, J.E. Amonette, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, J. Antony, University of Idaho
3:40pm AS-MoA6
Workfunction Differences between Cu Grains: Laterally Resolved UPS with the NanoESCA
J. Westermann, D. Funnemann, B. Kroemker, Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH, Germany
4:00pm AS-MoA7
In-Situ and Ex-Situ Characterization of the Electrochemically-Accelerated Corrosion of Ni-Cr-Mo-Gd Alloy Surfaces in Aqueous Media
P.J. Pinhero, T.E. Lister, R.E. Mizia, T.L. Trowbridge, Idaho National Laboratory, A.W. Glenn, Idaho Completion Project
4:20pm AS-MoA8
Throughput Advantages of PRBS Modulation in TOF Electron Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
R.H. Jackson, Stillwater Scientific Instruments, Z. Yang, Univ. of Maine, L.J. LeGore, B.G. Frederick, P.H. Kleban, C.B.H. Crothers, D.P. Martin, Stillwater Scientific Instruments
4:40pm AS-MoA9
Novel Field Emission Source for Electron Microscopy
J.W. Lewellen, J.R. Noonan, Argonne National Laboratory
5:00pm AS-MoA10
Differential Charging of Nanoparticles on Oxide Surfaces as Determined by XPS with External Stimuli
U.K. Demirok, I. Tunc, S. Suzer, Bilkent University, Turkey