Several schemes for electron spin based qubit in compound semiconductor structures have been proposed recently for quantum information processing. In order to physically implement any of the proposals, it is essential to measure the state of a single spin. Towards this end, we have done a sequence of measurements to probe the spin state of a single paramagnetic spin center adjacent to a sub-micrometer silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Stochastic switching between two discrete values of channel current, known as random telegraph signal (RTS), has been used as a tool to sense the single spin. Magnetic-field-induced Zeeman splitting of the single spin center was measured. Using microwave radiation, we have observed that the statistical distribution between the two states changes when the electron spin resonance condition is matched. Experiments with a series of pulsed gate voltages showed promise of using the field effect transistor channel for single-shot spin state read-out. Our ongoing effort of single spin measurements in electrostatic quantum dots in a Si/SiGe 2D electron gas will be described.