AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Thursday Sessions

Session SS3-ThM
Oxide Structure, Growth, and Defects

Thursday, November 6, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 328
Moderator: M.A. Henderson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am SS3-ThM1
Effect of Atomic Polarization on Adsorption on Ferroelectric Surfaces: BaTiO@sub 3@ (100)
J. Garra, D.A. Bonnell, University of Pennsylvania
8:40am SS3-ThM2
Sodium Segregation and Morphology on Co@sub 3@O@sub 4@ Single Crystal Surfaces
S.C. Petitto, M.A. Langell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9:00am SS3-ThM3 Invited Paper
Resonant Photoemission of Cobaltite Perovskites and Double Perovskites
W.R. Flavell, A.G. Thomas, D.T. Tsoutsou, A.K. Mallick, M. North, UMIST, UK, E.A. Seddon, C. Cacho, A.E.R. Malins, CLRC Daresbury Lab, UK, R. Stockbauer, R.L. Kurtz, P.T. Sprunger, Louisiana State U., S.N. Barilo, S.V. Shiryaev, G.L. Bychkov, Belarus Academy of Sciences
9:40am SS3-ThM5
Growth Modes in a System Requiring Bulk Mass Transport: Step Motion and Island Nucleation on TiO@sub 2@ (110) Exposed to Oxygen
K.F. McCarty, J.A. Nobel, N.C. Bartelt, Sandia National Laboratories
10:00am SS3-ThM6
The Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Rutile Single Crystals - A Photochemical Surface Science Study
O.E. Diwald, T.L. Thompson, J.T. Yates Jr., University of Pittsburgh
10:20am SS3-ThM7
STM Study of Defect Production on the TiO@sub 2@(110)-(1x1) and TiO@sub 2@(110)-(1x2) Surfaces Induced by UV-light
P. Maksymovych, S. Mezhenny, D.C. Sorescu, J.T. Yates, Jr., University of Pittsburgh
10:40am SS3-ThM8
The Oxygen Chemistry of Rutile TiO@sub 2@(110) - A Comprehensive STM Study
R. Schaub, E. Wahlström, A. Ronnau, E.K. Vestergaard, F. Besenbacher, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Denmark
11:00am SS3-ThM9
Measuring Defect Sites on TiO@sub 2@(110): The CO@sub 2@ Probe
T.L. Thompson, O.E. Diwald, J.T. Yates, Jr., University of Pittsburgh
11:20am SS3-ThM10
Surface Structure and Properties of Vanadia Supported on Anatase TiO@sub 2@(001)
W. Gao, E.I. Altman, Yale University
11:40am SS3-ThM11
Initial Stages of Cu@sub 2@O Nano-Clusters Formation on SrTiO@sub 3@(100)@footnote 1@
I. Lyubinetsky, S. Thevuthasan, A.S. Lea, D.E. McCready, D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory