AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Monday Sessions

Session SS3-MoM
Surface Diffusion and Wetting

Monday, November 3, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 328
Moderator: J.B. Hannon, IBM Research Division

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am SS3-MoM1 Invited Paper
Determining Diffusion Mechanisms Using STM
B.S. Swartzentruber, Sandia National Laboratories
9:00am SS3-MoM3
Surface Characterization and Inter-diffusion Study of Copper on Ruthenium Thin Film Deposited on Silicon Substrate
O. Chyan, T. Arunagiri, R. Chan, R.M. Wallace, M.J. Kim, University of North Texas, T.G. Hurd, Texas Instruments
9:20am SS3-MoM4
Dynamics of Surface Alloys: Decay of 2D Islands on Pb/Cu(111)
M.L. Anderson, N.C. Bartelt, G.L. Kellogg, B.S. Swartzentruber, Sandia National Laboratories
9:40am SS3-MoM5
Edge Diffusion on Spiral Steps on Pb(111) Microfacets*
D.B. Dougherty, W.G. Cullen, J.E. Reutt-Robey, E.D. Williams, University of Maryland at College Park
10:00am SS3-MoM6
Sb-mediated Ge and Si Growth on Ge(001)
J. Wang, M. Li, E.I. Altman, Yale University
10:20am SS3-MoM7
The Frustrated Alloying of Ge on Ultra-Flat Si(001)
J.B. Hannon, M. Copel, M.C. Reuter, R.M. Tromp, IBM
10:40am SS3-MoM8
New Diffusion Mechanisms on Amorphous Surfaces
A.S. Dalton, D. Llera-Hurlburt, E.G. Seebauer, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, K.R. Bray, G.N. Parsons, North Carolina State University
11:00am SS3-MoM9
Mobility of Nanostructures on the Surface of a Desorbing Solid: Friction at the Nanoscale
V.N. Antonov, J.S. Palmer, A.S. Bhatti, J.H. Weaver, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11:20am SS3-MoM10
Time-space Height Correlations of Thermally Fluctuating 2-d Systems; Application to Vicinal Surfaces and Analysis of STM Images
L. Barbier, B. Salanon, E. Le Goff, CEA Saclay, France
11:40am SS3-MoM11
STM Tip-induced Translation through Excitations of the H@sub 2@O and D@sub 2@O Bending Modes on Pd(111)
E. Fomin, University of California at Berkeley, T. Mitsui, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, M.K. Rose, University of California at Berkeley, D.F. Ogletree, M. Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory