AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Monday Sessions

Session SS2-MoA
Tribology, Adhesion, and Friction

Monday, November 3, 2003, 2:00 pm, Room 327
Moderator: S.P. Jarvis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS2-MoA1
Super Hydrophobic Interactions: From the Inside and Out
J.E. Houston, Sandia National Laboratories, S. Singh, University of New Mexico, C.J. Brinker, Sandia National Laboratories
2:20pm SS2-MoA2
Friction Anisotropy at Pd(100)/Pd(100) Interfaces
A.J. Gellman, C.M. Mancinelli, Carnegie Mellon University
2:40pm SS2-MoA3
Direct Observation of Superlubricity
J.W.M. Frenken, Leiden University, The Netherlands, M. Dienwiebel, IAVF AG, Germany, N. Pradeep, K.B. Jinesh, G.S. Verhoeven, Leiden University, The Netherlands, J.A. Heimberg, Corvis Corporation
3:00pm SS2-MoA4
The Role of the Third Body Processes in the Friction and Wear of MoS2 and MoST Coatings
G.Y. Lee, I.L. Singer, K.J. Wahl, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
3:20pm SS2-MoA5 Invited Paper
Molecular and Bulk Material Mechanisms of Smooth and Stick-slip Sliding
J. Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara
4:00pm SS2-MoA7
Evaluation of the Surface Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Interconnect Films and their Correlation with CMP Process
P.B. Zantye, A.K. Sikder, A. Kumar, University of South Florida
4:20pm SS2-MoA8
A Comparative Study of the Adhesion, Friction, and Mechanical Properties of CF@sub3@ and CH@sub 3@ Terminated Alkanethiol Monolayers
C.M. Doelling, H. Ying, Princeton University, J.E. Houston, Sandia National Laboratories, T.K. Vanderlick, G. Scoles, Princeton University, T.R. Lee, University of Houston
4:40pm SS2-MoA9
Reaction of Trimethylphosphate with TiC and VC(100) Surfaces
H.I. Kim, P. Frantz, S.V. Didziulis, The Aerospace Corporation, L.C. Fernandez-Torres, S.S. Perry, University of Houston
5:00pm SS2-MoA10
Degradation of Self-Assembled Monolayer in Humid Environments
B.-I. Kim, T.M. Mayer, M.G. Hankins, M.P. de Boer, B.C. Bunker, Sandia National Laboratories