AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Monday Sessions

Session SS1-MoM
Gas-Surface Dynamics

Monday, November 3, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 326
Moderator: K.W. Kolasinski, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am SS1-MoM1
Angular Distribution of Cl Atom Products from Direct and Precursor-Mediated Hyperthermal Abstractive Chemisorption of Cl2/Al(111)
G.C. Poon, A.C. Kummel, University of California, San Diego
8:40am SS1-MoM2
Photoinduced Electron Transfer Chemistry and Dissociation of Adsorbed CO@sub 2@: Harnessing Å-Scale Molecular Acceleration Towards a Surface
R. Zehr, University of Virginia, T. Wagner, University of Essen, Germany, I. Samanta, I. Harrison, University of Virginia
9:00am SS1-MoM3 Invited Paper
Adsorption Dynamics and Desorption Kinetics of Argon and Methane on MgO(100)
B.D. Kay, Z. Dohnalek, G.K. Schenter, L.R. Corrales, R.S. Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
9:40am SS1-MoM5
Adsorption of CO on Rutile (1x1)-TiO@sub 2@(110): A Molecular Beam Study
M. Kunat, Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany, U. Burghaus, North Dakota State University
10:00am SS1-MoM6
Ultra-Low Coverage Spontaneous Etching and Hyperthermal Desorption of Aluminum Chlorides from Cl@sub 2@ on Al(111)
T.G. Grassman, G.C. Poon, A.C. Kummel, University of California, San Diego
10:20am SS1-MoM7
Probing the Vibrational State-Resolved Gas-Surface Dynamics of Polyatomic Molecules Without the Laser
D. Killelea, D. DelSesto, R. Smith, A.L. Utz, Tufts University
10:40am SS1-MoM8
Kinetics of H Atom Adsorption on Si(100) at 325 - 600 K
A. Kutana, B. Makarenko, I.L. Bolotin, J.W. Rabalais, University of Houston
11:00am SS1-MoM9
Charge Exchange between Metal Ions and Surfaces
X. Chen, J. Doan, University of California, Riverside, Z. Sroubek, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic, J.A. Yarmoff, University of California, Riverside