AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Wednesday Sessions

Session SS+NS-WeA
Perspectives and New Opportunities

Wednesday, November 5, 2003, 2:00 pm, Room 328
Moderator: R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS+NS-WeA1 Invited Paper
The Birth and Evolution of Surface Science: Key Role of AVS
C.B. Duke, Xerox Wilson Center for R&T
2:40pm SS+NS-WeA3 Invited Paper
STM Single Atom/Molecule Manipulation: A New Dimension for Nanoscience and Technology
S.-W. Hla, Ohio University
3:20pm SS+NS-WeA5 Invited Paper
Stark-Effect and Two-Electron Photon Emission in Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy
R. Berndt, G. Hoffmann, L. Limot, T. Maroutian, University of Kiel, Germany, P. Johansson, University of Örebro, Sweden, J. Kroeger, University of Kiel, Germany
4:00pm SS+NS-WeA7
Electrostatic Potential Profile within a Biased Molecular Electronics Device: a Cavity QED Approach
J.W. Gadzuk, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:20pm SS+NS-WeA8
Quantum Size Effect Induced Modification of CO Chemisorption on Cu/fccFe/Cu(100)
A.G. Danese, R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers University
4:40pm SS+NS-WeA9
Manipulating Single Metal Atoms with the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
K.-F. Braun, K.H. Rieder, Freie Universit@um a@t Berlin, Germany, K. Flipse, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, S.-W. Hla, Ohio University
5:00pm SS+NS-WeA10
Adsorption and Deprotonation of Dichlorothiophenol on Cu(111): STM-Based Hydrogen Abstraction and Thiolate Formation
B.V. Rao, K.-Y. Kwon, J. Zhang, A. Liu, L. Bartels, University of California at Riverside