AVS 50th International Symposium | |
Advanced Surface Engineering | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | SE-TuM1 Influence of Sputtering Condition and Target Material on the Microstructure and Properties of Ti-Si-N Coatings Prepared by r.f.-reactive Sputtering M. Nose, Takaoka National College, Japan, Y. Deguchi, Toyama University, Japan, T. Mae, Toyama National College of Technology, Japan, E. Honbo, Toyama Industrial Research Center, Japan, W.A. Chiou, University of California, Irvine, K. Nogi, Osaka University, Japan |
8:40am | SE-TuM2 Growth and Physical Properties of Epitaxial CeN and Nanocrystalline Ti@sub 1-x@Ce@sub x@N Layers T.-Y. Lee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States, D. Gall, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, C.-S. Shin, Hynix Corporation, N. Hellgren, Intel Corporation, J.G. Wen, R.D. Twesten, I. Petrov, J.E. Greene, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
9:00am | SE-TuM3 Fabrication of Nanostructured Metallic Thin Films by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation M. Jaime Vasquez, T. Fiero, G.P. Halada, C.R. Clayton, State University of New York at Stony Brook |
9:20am | SE-TuM4 Invited Paper Self-adaptation Processes in Nanostructured Hard Coatings C. Mitterer, P.H. Mayrhofer, University of Leoben, Austria, E. Badisch, M. Stoiber, G. Gassner, Materials Center Leoben, Austria |
10:00am | SE-TuM6 Design of Functional Coatings D. Hegemann, A. Fischer, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research EMPA, Switzerland |
10:20am | SE-TuM7 Functional Profile Coatings and Film Stress C. Liu, R. Conley, A.T. Macrander, Argonne National Laboratory |
10:40am | SE-TuM8 The Effect of Surface Finish on Field Emission in Nitrogen-implanted, Silicon Dioxide-Coated Stainless Steel N.D. Theodore, D. Manos, College of William and Mary, C. Hernandez, T. Wang, H.F. Dylla, Jefferson Lab, R. Moore, University at Albany Institute for Materials |