AVS 50th International Symposium
    Nanometer Structures Friday Sessions

Session NS+BI-FrM
Nanotechnology and Biology

Friday, November 7, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 317
Moderator: R.J. Hamers, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

9:40am NS+BI-FrM5
Interaction of Fluorescent Molecules with Metallic Nanoparticles Mediated by Biospecific Interactions
V.H. Perez-Luna, K. Aslan, I. Severcan, Illinois Institute of Technology
10:00am NS+BI-FrM6
Real-Time, Label Free Biosensing using Immobilized Gold Nanoparticles: Influence of Nanoparticle Size on Sensor Performance
N. Nath, A. Chilkoti, Duke University
10:20am NS+BI-FrM7
Ultrasensitive Nanowire Sensor for Drug Discovery and Medical Diagnostics
W. Wang, Harvard University
10:40am NS+BI-FrM8
Nanopores in Ultrathin MOS-compatible Membranes for Electrical Detection of DNA
T. Kim, J. Heng, V. Dimitrov, C. Ho, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A. Kornblit, F. Klemens, J. Miner, W. Mansfield, C. Pai, T. Sorsch, New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium, G. Timp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11:00am NS+BI-FrM9
Electrically Switchable Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces
J.A. Taylor, New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium, T.M. Schneider, S. Yang, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, A. Kornblit, New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium, T.N. Krupenkin, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
11:20am NS+BI-FrM10 Invited Paper
Engineering Information Processing in Biological Systems
R.H. Blick, University of Wisconsin-Madison