AVS 50th International Symposium | |
Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures | Wednesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | MI-WeM1 Direct Measurements of Spin Momentum Transfer Induced Dynamics W.H. Rippard, M.R. Pufall, S. Kaka, S.E. Russek, T.J. Silva, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
8:40am | MI-WeM2 Dynamical Modes of Nanomagnets Driven by a Spin-Polarized Current S.I. Kiselev, J.C. Sankey, I.N. Krivorotov, N.C. Emley, Cornell University, S.E. Russek, National Institute of Standards and Technology, R.J. Schoelkopf, Yale University, R.A. Buhrman, D.C. Ralph, Cornell University |
9:00am | MI-WeM3 Invited Paper Current-Induced Precession at Ferromagnetic Interfaces A. Zangwill, Georgia Institute of Technology |
9:40am | MI-WeM5 Invited Paper Spin-transfer Induced Magnetic Switching in Batch-fabricated sub-100 nm Spin-valves J.Z. Sun, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, T.S. Kuan, SUNY at Albany, M.J. Rooks, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, J.M.E. Harper, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and University of New Hampshire, R.A. Carruthers, S.M. Rossnagel, R.H. Koch, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
10:20am | MI-WeM7 Current-Driven Magnetization Reversal at High Magnetic Fields in Co/Cu/Co Nanopillars B. Oezyilmaz, A.D. Kent, New York University, D. Monsma, Harvard University, J.Z. Sun, M.J. Rooks, R.H. Koch, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
10:40am | MI-WeM8 Current-Triggered Domain Wall Motion in Focused Ion Beam Fabricated Magnetic Nanowires C.T. Rettner, M. Tsoi, L. Thomas, S. Parkin, IBM Almaden Research Center |