AVS 50th International Symposium
    Homeland Security Topical Conference Thursday Sessions

Session HS-ThM
Detection of Biological Agents and Self-Cleaning of Contaminated Surfaces

Thursday, November 6, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 309
Moderators: L.J. Buckley, Defense Sciences Office, DARPA, D.W. Grainger, Colorado State University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am HS-ThM1
Direct Electrical Detection of Specific Protein Binding at Surfaces
T.L. Lasseter, W. Cai, W. Yang, R.J. Hamers, University of Wisconsin, Madison
9:00am HS-ThM3 Invited Paper
Autonomous DNA Testing for Bio-Detection
K. Petersen, Cepheid
9:40am HS-ThM5
Magnetically Based Microarray Platform for Rapid Handheld Bioassays
M.C. Tondra, NVE Corp.
10:00am HS-ThM6
Microfluidic Approaches to Improving Biosensor Performance
J.C. Rife, P.E. Sheehan, L.J. Whitman, Naval Research Laboratory
10:20am HS-ThM7
Comparison of Bioassay Surface Chemistries on Gold and Alumina Films
S.P. Mulvaney, C.L. Cole, J.C. Rife, K.A. Wahowski, L.J. Whitman, Naval Research Laboratory
10:40am HS-ThM8 Invited Paper
Biocatalytic Nanocomposites as Self-Cleaning Surface Coatings
J.S. Dordick, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
11:20am HS-ThM10
Novel Surface-Segregating Materials for Chem-Bio Applications
J.A. Orlicki, M.S. Bratcher, R.E. Jensen, C.A. Winston, S.H. McKnight, Army Research Laboratory, AMSRL-WM-MA
11:40am HS-ThM11
Opportunities in Materials Chemistry at DARPA
L.J. Buckley, Defense Sciences Office, DARPA