AVS 50th International Symposium
    Biomaterial Interfaces Thursday Sessions

Session BI+SS-ThA

Thursday, November 6, 2003, 2:00 pm, Room 318/319
Moderator: G. Leggett, University of Sheffield, UK

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm BI+SS-ThA1 Invited Paper
Engineered DNA and RNA Molecules as Biochemical Tools
R. Breaker, Yale University
2:40pm BI+SS-ThA3
Base-dependent Competitive Adsorption of DNA on Gold
D.Y. Petrovykh, University of Maryland and Naval Research Laboratory, H. Kimura-Suda, M. Tarlov, National Institute of Standards and Technology, L.J. Whitman, Naval Research Laboratory
3:00pm BI+SS-ThA4
MALDI MS of Proteins Separated on a Chemical Gradient Modified Open Channel Microchip
G.R. Kinsel, X. Li, R.B. Timmons, University of Texas at Arlington
3:20pm BI+SS-ThA5
Pb@super 2+@ Sensitive Catalytic DNA Assay Integrated into Microfluidic Channels
R.A. Zangmeister, M. Tarlov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
3:40pm BI+SS-ThA6 Invited Paper
Monitoring Neurotransmitters with Voltammetry
R.M. Wightman, University of North Carolina
4:20pm BI+SS-ThA8
Adsorption Behavior of Proteins in Microcapillaries
A. Bhattacharyya, K. Lenghaus, D. Halagowder, J.J. Hickman, Clemson University, J.W. Jenkins, S. Sundaram, CFD Research Corporation
4:40pm BI+SS-ThA9
Micro- to Nanofluidic Systems for Bioanalysis
G.P. Lopez, University of New Mexico, S.S. Sibbett, Intel Corp., D. Petsev, University of New Mexico, C.F. Ivory, Washington State University, M. Piyasena, A. Garcia, L.K. Ista, M.J. O'Brien, P. Bisong, S.R.J. Brueck, University of New Mexico
5:00pm BI+SS-ThA10
Chitosan - A Biomaterial Interface that can be Selectively Deposited onto Micropatterned Surfaces and Conjugated to Sensing Biomolecules
L.-Q. Wu, H. Yi, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, M.J. Kastantin, S. Li, D.A. Small, J.J. Park, University of Maryland, T. Chen, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, G.W. Rubloff, R. Ghodssi, University of Maryland, W.E. Bentley, G.F. Payne, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute