AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session SS3-TuA

Paper SS3-TuA8
Electron Beam Effect of Diethylsilane on Si (100) Surfaces Investigated by TPD and LISD

Tuesday, November 4, 2003, 4:20 pm, Room 328

Session: Organic Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces
Presenter: P. Wang, Bradley University
Authors: P. Wang, Bradley University
J. Lozano, Bradley University
K. Kimberlin, Bradley University
J. Craig, Bradley University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Various coverages, from 0.03 to 5.0 L, of diethylsilane (DES) on Si (100) surfaces at 100 K were bombarded by 600 eV electrons and the effect of electron on DES/Si(110) system was investigated by using Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) and Laser Induced Stimulated Desorption techniques. Laser photons from Nd:YAG were used in LISD technique. TPD and LISD spectra were immediately taken after each dosing and compared to the spectra after the system was irradiated by 600 eV electrons. Desorption of physisorbed species of mass 2, 28 and 59 species was seen at 130 K after coverages of DES larger than 0.07 L. However, mass 2 and 28 species were also thermally desorbed at 810 and 770 K, respectively. Desorption peak areas of mass 2, 28, and 59 with and without electron/photon bombardment were investigated as functions of coverage and electron/photon fluences. It was found that the carbon hydrides were removed from surface after both electcron and laser photon radiation. The concentration changes in desorption species in TPD and LISD beam dissociation effects as well as beam induced state will be discussed.