AVS 50th International Symposium
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session SS-TuP

Paper SS-TuP30
Surface Oxidation of Silicon Blisters formed by Hydrogen Ion Irradiation

Tuesday, November 4, 2003, 5:30 pm, Room Hall A-C

Session: Poster Session
Presenter: S. Igarashi, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
Authors: S. Igarashi, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
A.N. Itakura, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
M. Kitajima, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
K. Hojou, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Correspondent: Click to Email

Blister is a local protrusion of solid surface induced by gas ion irradiation. Si (100) substrate was irradiated with H@super +@ (ion energy of 10 keV and fluence of 1x10@super 22@ ions/m@super 2@) at an angle of 30 deg. to the surface normal. The blisters of several µm in diameter at the bottom were formed. After the ion irradiation, the substrate was exposed to an O@sub 2@ gas. By means of scanning Auger microscopy, we observed that the rims of the blisters have higher oxygen intensities than the flat surfaces and the tops have lower than the flats. The blistering is considered to create local stress on surface layers; the surface layers should be stretched laterally at the top of blisters and are compressed at the rim, relative to the flat surfaces. The O distribution clearly consists with the stress distribution of the surface. Our results demonstrate a patterned oxidation of Si surface applying its reactivity depending on the surface stress.