AVS 50th International Symposium
    Contacts to Organic Materials Topical Conference Tuesday Sessions
       Session OM-TuP

Paper OM-TuP6
Hole-injection and Transport in Arylamines Films Sandwiched between Metal Contacts

Tuesday, November 4, 2003, 5:30 pm, Room Hall A-C

Session: Poster Session
Presenter: G. Szulczewski, University of Alabama
Authors: G. Szulczewski, University of Alabama
J. Li, University of Alabama
K.-Y. Kim, University of Alabama
J. Sun, University of Alabama
S.C. Blackstock, University of Alabama
Correspondent: Click to Email

We have synthesized a series of electron-rich arylamines to systematically control their electronic properties, i.e. dipole moment and ionization potential. Films of these molecules were made by solution and/or vapor deposition techniques on Ag and Au substrates and characterized by cyclic voltammetry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We have measured current-voltage curves of monolayer and multilayer films to study hole-injection and transport. We find that these molecules rectify current under forward bias above a threshold voltage. A plot of the threshold voltage against the measured electrochemical oxidation potential yields a straight line with an excellent correlation coefficient, R = 0.98, and slope greater than unity. We will discuss how the how the molecular properties influence charge-injection at the metal-molecule interface. We acknowledge the National Science Foundation for support of this work through the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center grant # DMR0213985.