Bond breaking at surfaces due to stimuli such as exposure of materials to electrons, ions, photons, mechanical stress, or chemical agents are well established. We discuss in general the role of multiple stimuli (the "one-two punch") in the degradation and modification of materials and solid surfaces. We then show the nanometer scale consequences of combining localized mechanical stress (due to sliding contact with a scanning force microscope--SFM tip) and exposure to aqueous solutions. These nanotribological methods offer a top-down approach to controlled surface modification. Emphasis will be on results concerning tip induced material removal, recrystallization (at small normal forces), and unique patterning produced by scanning in super-saturated aqueous solutions. We also present results on the influence of an SFM tip in contact with polymers immersed in organic solvents. We show a new method for introducing very small amounts of highly localized patches of chemicals into a polymer surface. Finally, we show new evidence of a "1-2-3 punch", where we introduce radiation as a third stimulus on inorganic crystalline surfaces. The results shown have possible applications in sensors, nanofluidics, and optoelectronics. Models will be presented to explain the observed nanometer scale surface modifications.