The performance of the atomic force microscope (AFM) is underpinned by the mechanical properties of its force-sensing microcantilever. Originally, the AFM cantilever was handcrafted from a thin film of gold, in the shape of a rectangular plate. Shortly after, microfabrication techniques were introduced to facilitate the construction and mass production of AFM cantilevers, and a number of different cantilever geometries were proposed. Of these, rectangular and V-shaped cantilevers have emerged as the accepted standards for AFM applications. The V-shaped cantilever was proposed initially as an alternative to the rectangular cantilever, with the explicit aim of minimizing the effects of lateral forces on the deformation of the cantilever. However, the motivating premise that V-shaped cantilevers are more resistant to lateral forces than rectangular cantilevers was never examined. Consequently, in this talk I shall present a detailed comparison of the complementary performance of V-shaped and rectangular cantilevers, with regards to their stability to lateral forces. In so doing, I shall rigorously establish that contrary to accepted thinking and the original intent, use of V-shaped cantilevers will enhance the effect of lateral forces in comparison to rectangular cantilevers. This counterintuitive finding is independent of whether the cantilevers are in contact with a surface or not, and suggests that rectangular cantilevers should be used in preference to V-shaped cantilevers for applications where the effects of lateral forces are to be minimized. This finding strongly contradicts established operating principles of the AFM, which dictate that V-shaped cantilevers should be used to minimize the effects of lateral forces. Consequently, drawing on the findings of this study, a case will be presented for the universal use of rectangular cantilevers in the AFM, which in turn will improve the performance of the instrument while greatly simplifying its operation.