Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2018)
    Biomaterial Surfaces & Interfaces Tuesday Sessions
       Session BI-TuP

Paper BI-TuP6
Study on Meta-material Structure in Oil Repellent Bile Duct Stent

Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 4:00 pm, Room Naupaka Salon 1-3

Session: Biomaterial Interfaces Poster Session
Presenter: Tomoki Nishino, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Authors: T. Nishino, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
H. Tanigawa, The Research Organization of Science and Technology, Japan
A. Sekiguchi, Litho Tech Japan Corporation, Japan
K. Aikawa, Saitama Medical University, Japan
Correspondent: Click to Email

The bile duct is a tubular pathway that drains the bile made in the liver into the duodenum. In bile duct cancer, biliary atresia or the like, the bile duct narrows, the flow of bile is inhibited and it becomes difficult for the duodenum to flow from gall bladder to the duodenum. For this reason, bile flows back to the liver, causing a disorder that causes jaundice. Natural progression will result in liver failure, possibly leading to death. As a treatment method, in order to open the obstruction of the bile duct, the endoscope is used to indwell the stent in the bile duct to ensure discharge of the bile into the duodenum. By placing the stent with a metal tube or a resin tube having a mesh-like structure, a path through which bile normally flows is secured.

However, since bile is a viscous liquid containing oil, it is known that the tube clogs by adhesion or gelling in the bile duct stent. Currently, no effective technology has been studied for this problem. When the tube is clogged, there is only a countermeasure therapy to replace the biliary stent by reoperation. If it is possible to reduce clogging of the stent, it is possible to reduce the number of reoperation, which not only reduces the burden on the patient but also leads to a reduction in the burden on the medical field including doctors.

This study is a technology development to reduce clogging of the biliary stent. We introduce a biliary stent combining metamaterial technology that realizes oil repellency and antifouling property which is not realized on the surface of the material prepared. When considering the oil repellency function for oil containing fluid such as bile, we considered the snail shell structure with nano hydrophilic effect to be effective. On the shell surface of the snail, there is a concavo-convex structure of 200 nm to 400 nm, and it is running a dirt by making a thin water film.

The film having a metamaterial structure was produced by a semiconductor fine processing technique. When the produced film was evaluated for oil repellency, it was confirmed that good oil repellency in water was obtained. Therefore, in order to evaluate a bile duct stent with a metamaterial structure, bile ducts were placed in pigs for 7 days. The inner surface of the usual bile duct tube resulted in bile sticking and a lot of contamination, but the bile duct tube of the meta-material structure was a result that the bile was repelled and there was no stain. We present that bile duct with oil repellency and antifouling property is effective as new metamaterial technology.