Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2016)
    Thin Films Wednesday Sessions
       Session TF-WeP

Paper TF-WeP16
Optical and Structural Study of GaN Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition in Nitrogen Atmosphere

Wednesday, December 14, 2016, 4:00 pm, Room Mauka

Session: Thin Films Posters Session II
Presenter: LuisArturo Martinez-Ara, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
Authors: L.A. Martinez-Ara, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
P. Maldonado-Altamirano, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
R.Y. Ponce-Cano, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
J.R. Aguilar-Hernandez, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
M.A. Hernandez-Perez, ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico
G.S. Contreras-Puente, ESFM-IPN, Mexico
Correspondent: Click to Email

Results about processing and characterization of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown by pulsed laser deposition technique are presented. The films were grown on sapphire (0001) and silicon (111) substrates, under the following conditions: substrate temperature of 850 °C, time deposition of 60 minutes and pressure of 4.2x10-6 torr. A Nd: YAG laser was used with wavelength of 1064 nm, repetition frequency of 50 Hz and power of 2.8 W. To study the GaN films structural properties, X-ray diffraction was used obtaining peaks around 34.5° corresponding to GaN. To study the optical properties, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopy were used. From the UV-Vis spectroscopy a band-gap value of 3.2 eV was obtained. Photoluminescence at room temperature was observed, the PL spectra shows two bands, one of these associated to yellow band of GaN at 2.2 eV, and the other one around 3.0 eV associated with recombination centers, such as interstitials Gallium or Nitrogen atoms. Raman shift in 722 cm-1 was obtained corresponding to GaN in its wurtzite structure.