Paper VT-TuM12
Construction and Commissioning of Tri Alpha Energy C2W machine
Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 11:40 am, Room 7 & 8
Tri Alpha Energy (TAE) is researching a novel fusion concept of energetic ions magnetically trapped as large orbits in a Field Reverse Configuration plasma (FRC). TAE has completed building and commissioning its latest machine, C2W.
The talk will first give a brief overview to TAE’s concepts and C2W, followed by a discussion of the physics that drive the vacuum requirements, such as divertor gas loads and how we solved many of the technical vacuum challenges in order to meet our performance goals. Specifically, C2W has four 15m3 divertors where H2 neutral particles from the plasma are pumped at a rate of 2,000 m3/s. This large pumping is achieved through chemisorption onto titanium films deposited onto LN2 cooled multi-scaled surfaces. Additionally, each divertor has a 200m3/s activated charcoal cryopump optimized for pumping H2.