AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session AC+AS+SA-TuM

Paper AC+AS+SA-TuM3
Image Processing And Particle Analysis Of Fission-Truck-Analysis In Nuclear Forensic

Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 8:40 am, Room 22

Session: Nuclear Power, Forensics, and Other Applications
Presenter: Itzhak Halevy, Department of Physics, NRCN, Israel
Authors: I. Halevy, Department of Physics, NRCN, Israel
U. Admon, (Retiree), IAEC-NRCN, Department of Materials, Beer-Sheva Israel
E. Chinea-Cano, Office of Safeguards Analytical Services (SGAS), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
A.M. Weiss, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
N. Dzigal, Office of Safeguards Analytical Services (SGAS), Austria
E. Boblil, Department of Physics, IAEC-NRCN, Israel
Correspondent: Click to Email

Particle analysis is a key discipline in safeguards and nuclear forensic investigations, as well as in environmental research. The radioactive Particles are usually in the micrometric size range, and intermixed within huge populations of other particles, like air-borne dust, soil, industrial exhaust pollutants or estuary sediments.

We are using the Fission Truck Analysis (FTA) technique. In that technique plastic detectors used for raping a Lexan catcher with the particles and together are radiated in nuclear reactor with thermal neutrons. The Fission Truck are trucks done by the fission products. The fission material is dominant in producing the trucks, namely the 235U isotope. The Fission Truck could be more visible by special etching and can be used to locate the particles.

From that point, the analysis of Fission Truck is an image processing. Scanning the detectors is a time-consuming procedure. Automated scanning and fission star recognition will make all the Analysis easier to quantify

The challenge, therefore, consists in scanning and imaging a relatively large area detector, at a resolution of about 1µm, and locating the FT clusters while rejecting the artefacts.

Image processing was done using the Fiji distribution of ImageJ. The algorithms shown in this report were implemented using either the ImageJ macro language or the ImageJ Python scripting engine. Basic noise removal, Illumination correction and Segmentation are the basic of the imaging analysis.

I cass of large area detector a set of picture will be taken and by stiching a larg picture will be composed.

Roundness and endpoint thresholds can be adjusted to obtain fewer false negatives at the expense of more false positives. A receiver operation characteristic (ROC) can be used to characterise this.

The high and low threshold determination in the hysteresis thresholding step should be improved.

After the autometed procedure the operator can go over the FT and decide if to add stars that were not found by the software or to cancel stars that are artifact.

Correlation between forensic and image processing parameters will be defined. Even that stars are coming from 235U only and it is no one to one connected only to enrichment we still think that the shape, color, number of end points and roundness can be parameters to indicates different forensic properties.