AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition
    2D Materials Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session 2D-ThP

Paper 2D-ThP4
Controlling Charge Density Wave Transition in Monolayer TiSe2

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 6:30 pm, Room Central Hall

Session: 2D Materials Poster Session
Presenter: Sadhu Kolekar, University of South Florida
Authors: S. Kolekar, University of South Florida
M. Batzill, University of South Florida
Correspondent: Click to Email

Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have been studied for their charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity transitions. TiSe2 is interesting because traditional explanations for CDW formation based on electron phonon coupling described by Fermi surface nesting does not apply. Instead an unconventional excitonic mechanism has been invoked. The well-established dependence of the exciton binding energy on the number of layers in TMDCs implies that the CDW transition in TiSe2 should also be layer dependent. Furthermore, the dielectric properties of the substrate for monolayer TiSe2 should exert further control over the excitonic properties and thus the CDW transitions in TiSe2. Here we investigate mono- to few-layer TiSe2 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on HOPG or MoS2 substrate by variable temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. We show that the band gap opening and CDW transition temperature in monolayer is strongly increased compared to bulk TiSe2 and correlates with the expected exciton binding energy dependence. Interestingly, we also observe phase coherence peaks in monolayer TiSe2. The phase coherence occurs, however, at a much lower temperature than the CDW transition, suggesting that formation of an excitonic condensate is possible but is not essential for CDW formation.