AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition
    2D Materials Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session 2D+EM+MI+MN-MoM

Invited Paper 2D+EM+MI+MN-MoM5
Excitons and Exciton Complexes in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers

Monday, October 30, 2017, 9:40 am, Room 15

Session: Properties of 2D Materials including Electronic, Magnetic, Mechanical, Optical, and Thermal Properties
Presenter: Mark Hybertsen, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Ultra-thin semiconductor crystals, realized from transition metal dichalcogenides and other Van der Waals materials, exhibit fascinating optical properties. In the limit of a single monolayer of material, the Coulomb interactions between the optically excited electrons and holes are particularly strong and specifically deviate in functional form from that familiar from bulk semiconductors (1/εr) [1]. In combination with the reduced dimensionality, the resultant interaction effects are an order of magnitude stronger than those that were previously observed in quantum well structures realized in epitaxially grown multilayers. The lowest energy excitations created by optical excitation are bound electron-hole pairs (excitons). The binding energy is on the 0.5 eV scale and the ladder of bound state energies observed deviate significantly from the spectrum predicted by the conventional hydrogenic model [2]. In the presence of excess carriers, the excitons also form a bound complex with either an excess electron or hole (trions) [1]. As the density of optically excited excitons is increased, pairs of bound excitons form (biexcitons), with a clear spectroscopic signature [3]. All of these characteristics of excitons and exciton complexes in transition metal dichalcogenides can be understood directly from the strong and modified form of the Coulomb interaction, including both the role of the environment and the impact of the intrinsic screening response of the material. In particular, a model Hamiltonian can be fully determined from microscopic inputs and solved for the properties of the observed excitons and associated complexes. Variational solutions are semiquantitative while supplying insight. A Monte Carlo approach solves the model Hamiltonian numerically exactly and gives quantitative relationships among the exciton and exciton complex binding energies [4]. Extensions of these approaches to understand excited states in more complex combinations of such layered materials will also be discussed.

Work performed in part at the CFN, which is a U.S. DOE Office of Science Facility, at BNL under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 and with resources from NERSC under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

[1] T. C. Berkelbach, M. S. Hybertsen, and D. R. Reichman, Phys. Rev. B 88, 045318 (2013).

[2] A. Chernikov, T. C. Berkelbach, H. M. Hill, A. Rigosi, Y. Li, O. B. Aslan, D. R. Reichman, M. S. Hybertsen, and T. F. Heinz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 076802 (2014).

[3] Y. You, X.-X. Zhang, T. C. Berkelbach, M. S. Hybertsen, D. R. Reichman, and T. F. Heinz, Nat. Phys. 11, 477 (2015).

[4] M. Z. Mayers, T. C. Berkelbach, M. S. Hybertsen, and D. R. Reichman, Phys. Rev. B 92, 161404 (2015).