AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    MEMS and NEMS Tuesday Sessions

Session MN+BI-TuA
BioMEMS/NEMS, Wearable and Implantable Devices

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 211A
Moderators: Wayne Hiebert, University of Alberta and The National Institute for Nanotechnology, Beth L. Pruitt, Stanford University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:20pm MN+BI-TuA1 Invited Paper
Entrepreneurial Environment for Implantable and Wearable BioMEMS
Kurt Petersen, Silicon Valley Band of Angels
3:00pm MN+BI-TuA3 Invited Paper
MEMS Sensors Make Up the Frontline of Wireless Health Solutions: Tremendous Growth Prospects
Mehran Mehregany, Case Western Reserve University
4:20pm MN+BI-TuA7
GC-MS to GC-NOMS: A Step Towards Portable Analysis
Anandram Venkatasubramanian, S.K. Roy, V.T.K. Sauer, W.K. Hiebert, National Institute for Nanotechnology and University of Alberta, Canada
4:40pm MN+BI-TuA8
Label-Free Biosensing Platform Integrating a Nanofluidic Preconcentrator with Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors
Wei-Hang Lee, P.S. Chung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China, P.K. Wei, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic of China, W.C. Tian, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China
5:00pm MN+BI-TuA9
Microparticle Patterning Using Multimode Silicon Carbide Micromechanical Resonators
Hao Jia, H. Tang, P.X.-L. Feng, Case Western Reserve University