AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Monday Sessions

Session EM+AS+SS-MoM
Rectenna Solar Cells, MIM Diodes, and Oxide Interfaces

Monday, October 19, 2015, 8:20 am, Room 211A
Moderators: John Conley, Oregon State University, Dale Kotter, RedWave Energy, Inc.

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am EM+AS+SS-MoM1 Invited Paper
Harvesting Energy with Optical Rectennas: Challenges and Innovations
Garret Moddel, University of Colorado and RedWave Energy, Inc., S. Joshi, B. Pelz, A. Belkadi, S. Yuan, University of Colorado at Boulder, P. Brady, D. Kotter, RedWave Energy, Inc.
9:00am EM+AS+SS-MoM3
Demonstration of Traveling-Wave Metal-Insulator-Metal Diodes for 28 THz (10.6 μ m) Rectennas
Bradley Pelz, University of Colorado at Boulder, G. Moddel, University of Colorado at Boulder and Redwave Energy
9:20am EM+AS+SS-MoM4
Basic Efficiency Limits for Rectenna Solar Power Conversion
Heylal Mashaal, J.M. Gordon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
9:40am EM+AS+SS-MoM5
Coherence Effects in Periodic Arrays of Nano-Antennas used for Energy Harvesting and Self-Imaging
Peter Lerner, SciTech Associates, LLC, P.H. Culter, N.M. Miskovsky, Penn State University
10:00am EM+AS+SS-MoM6
Metamaterial Enhanced Rectenna for Efficient Energy Harvesting
D. Lu, Won Park, University of Colorado Boulder, P. Brady, Redwave Energy Inc.
11:00am EM+AS+SS-MoM9
Modeling of and Power from Nb-NbOx-based Nanorectenna Arrays
Richard M. Osgood, US Army NSRDEC, J. Xu, G.E. Fernandes, Brown University, M. Rothschild, K. Diest, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, M. Kang, K.B. Kim, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, L. Parameswaran, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, P. Periasamy, IBM, M. Chin, Army Research Laboratory, S. Kooi, MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, S. Giardini, US Army NSRDEC, R. O'Hayre, P. Joghee, Colorado School of Mines
11:20am EM+AS+SS-MoM10
Metal-Insulator-Insulator-Metal Diodes for Rectenna Applications
Shijia Lin, N. Murari, J.F. Conley, Jr., Oregon State University
11:40am EM+AS+SS-MoM11
Built-in Potential in Fe2O3-Cr2O3 Superlattices for Improved Photoexcited Carrier Separation
Tiffany Kaspar, D.K. Schreiber, S.R. Spurgeon, S.A. Chambers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory