AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Thursday Sessions
       Session EM+EN-ThA

Invited Paper EM+EN-ThA1
III-V Nanowires for Photonics and Solar Energy Applications

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 2:20 pm, Room 211C

Session: Materials for Light Management
Presenter: Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, EPFL, Switzerland
Correspondent: Click to Email

Semiconductor nanowires are filamentary crystals with a tailored diameter between few to few hundred nanometer. Their special shape and dimensions render them especially interesting for photonic applications. In my talk I will discuss several photonic applications of nanowires. I will start by showing how to modify light absorption and emission of nanowires by coupling them to plasmonic elements [1]. I will then follow by explaining the use of III-V nanowires for solar cell applications. I will show how, by choosing the adequate diameter and length, it is possible to obtain absorption cross-sections much larger than the nanowire physical size. This concentration effect can be used to increase the efficiency of nanowire-based solar cells and to reduce considerably the use of materials [2].


[1] A. Casadei et al , Scientific Reports 5, 7651 (2015)

[2] P. Krogstrup et al, Nature Photon. 7, 306 (2013) ; M. Heiss et al, Nanotech. 25, 014015 (2014)