AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Wednesday Sessions
       Session NS+AS-WeA

Paper NS+AS-WeA10
Schottky Barrier Height Mapping of Nanoengineered Metal/Semiconductor Interfaces

Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 5:20 pm, Room 304

Session: Nanoscale Imaging and Materials Characterization 
Presenter: Robert Balsano, University of Albany-SUNY
Authors: R. Balsano, University of Albany-SUNY
C. Durcan, University of Albany-SUNY
A. Matsubayashi, University at Albany-SUNY
V.P. LaBella, University at Albany-SUNY
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Metal/semiconductor junctions form rectifying contacts known as Schottky diodes, which have an energy barrier determined by charge transfer and bonding at the interface. Current-voltage and capacitance-voltage spectroscopy measurements yield a spatially averaged barrier height. Ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) is a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) technique that can measure transport of hot electrons through materials and interfaces locally with high spatial and energetic resolution due to the precise positioning of the STM tip. This presentation details work done to map the Schottky barrier height with nanoscale resolution at several metal/semiconductor interfaces. These maps can give insight into the homogeneity of the barrier height as well as the spatial distribution of individual metal species. Potentially this technique can be used to image nanoengineered interfaces.