AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Wednesday Sessions
       Session BI+AI+AS+BA+IA+NL+NS+SP-WeA

Combined Raman Systems for Biological Imaging and Analysis

Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 5:40 pm, Room 201 B

Session: Characterization of Biointerfaces
Presenter: M. Canales, Renishaw Inc
Authors: A.J. King, Renishaw Inc
T. Prusnick, Renishaw Inc.
M. Canales, Renishaw Inc
Correspondent: Click to Email

Raman microscopy has become a routine tool for many materials, but the need for this molecular imaging and analysis technique in biological research has become essential. The ability probe the chemical and molecular structure of biological materials is obtained directly without the need for any dyes or markers. These systems can be utilised to generate chemical images of cells, tissue, bone and bio-compatible materials with very high spatial resolution. It has been employed for cancer diagnosis, stem cell differentiation, skin treatments, protein structure analysis, bio-diagnostics, bacterial identification and green energy.

This Raman instrumentation can also be combined with environmental chambers, scanning probe techniques, scanning electron microscopes and in-vivo probes; to provide in-situ and co-localised measurements. This talk will provide an introduction to Raman microscopy with biological materials; the instrumentation required for these techniques; and, will highlight some applications where Raman microscopy is making the biggest impact with biological materials.