AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Division Wednesday Sessions

Session BI-WeM
Cells at Interfaces

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 8:00 am, Room 108
Moderator: Morgan Alexander, University of Nottingham, UK

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am BI-WeM1
Real Time Analysis of Polymer Film Integrity Upon Exposure to Bacteria and Aqueous Medium
Daniel Barlow, J.C. Biffinger, Naval Research Laboratory, E.R. Petersen, Nova Research, Inc., J.N. Russell, P.E. Pehrsson, Naval Research Laboratory, W.J. Goodson, Air Force Resarch Laboratory
8:20am BI-WeM2
Early Stages of Bacterial Biofilm Formation – A Numerical Study of Bioadhesion on Biomaterials
Daniel Siegismund, A. Schroeter, S. Schuster, M. Rettenmayr, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
8:40am BI-WeM3
A Library of Polymer Gradients for Understanding Bacteria-Material Interactions
Andrew Hook, J. Yang, C.-Y. Chang, University of Nottingham, UK, D.G. Anderson, R. Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S. Atkinson, P. Williams, M.C. Davies, M.R. Alexander, University of Nottingham, UK
9:00am BI-WeM4 Invited Paper
Developing Tools to Observe Microbial Metabolic Exchange in 2D and 3D
J. Watrous, University of California, San Diego, T. Alexandrov, University of Bremen, Germany, W.-T. Liu, A. Lamsa, D. Gonzalez, N. Bandeira, M. Hamby, R. Kersten, K. Pogliano, B. Moore, Pieter Dorrestein, University of California, San Diego
9:40am BI-WeM6
Analysis of Cancer Cell Lines with ToF-SIMS and PCA
Michael Robinson, University of Washington, F. Morrish, D. Hockenberry, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, L.J. Gamble, University of Washington
10:40am BI-WeM9 Invited Paper
Engineering Stem Cell Differentiation via Material Properties
Todd McDevitt, Georgia Institute of Technology
11:20am BI-WeM11
Adhesion and Rolling of Leukemic Cells on Immobilized Hyalurons
Axel Rosenhahn, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, C. Christophis, I. Taubert, G.R. Meseck, A.D. Ho, M. Grunze, University of Heidelberg, Germany