AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Late Breaking Session Friday Sessions
       Session SS2-FrM

Paper SS2-FrM6
Charge Transfer and Diabatic Dissipation of Surface Released Chemical Energy in GaP/Pt Schottky Nanostructures with a Resistively Heated Nanocathode Layer

Friday, November 4, 2011, 10:00 am, Room 109

Session: Surface Science Late Breaking Session
Presenter: Eduard Karpov, University of Illinois
Authors: E.G. Karpov, University of Illinois
S.K. Dasari, University of Illinois
A. Hashemian, University of Illinois
Correspondent: Click to Email

Recent observations of chemically induced hot electron flow over Schottky barriers in planar nanostructures provides interesting possibilities for electrolyte-free conversion of chemical energy into electricity and novel sensor applications. The work aims to make advantage of the nonthermal nature of the diabatic chemicurrents and explores the low-temperature (340-430K) chemovoltaic effect of hydrogen to water oxidation on Pt/GaP nanostructure surface. The chemicurrent is also studied at high pressures of the oxyhydrogen mixture diluted with nitrogen, all the way to atmospheric pressures. Separation of the diabatic component to the total generated current is performed with an accurate method based on resistive nanofilm heating.