AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Surface Science Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session SS-WeA

Paper SS-WeA4
Effect of the Adsorption Geometry of Zinc-Tetraphenylporphyrin Derivatives on ZnO and TiO2, on the Exciton Delocalization Pathways

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 3:00 pm, Room 107

Session: Adsorption & Reactions on Oxide Surfaces
Presenter: Sylvie Rangan, Rutgers University
Authors: S. Rangan, Rutgers University
S. Coh, Rutgers University
R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers University
K. Chitre, Rutgers University
J. Rochford, Rutgers University
E. Galoppini, Rutgers University
C. Jaye, National Synchrotron Light Source
D.A. Fischer, National Synchrotron Light Source
Correspondent: Click to Email

ZnTPP derivatives are attractive candidates for photoinduced electron-transfer mediators in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Many fundamental properties of the dye/metal oxide interface are not known and need careful consideration. In particular, the influence on solar cells efficiency, of the energy alignment and of the molecular packing at the surface, remains unclear. In this work, using x-ray, UV and inverse photoemission spectroscopies in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have determined the energy alignment of molecular levels with respect to the substrate band edges for several ZnTPP derivatives adsorbed on ZnO(11-20) and TiO2(110) surfaces. The ZnTPP derivatives were functionalized with COOH anchoring groups, to allow a priori either upright or flat adsorption on the surfaces. While the energy alignment, a critical parameter to allow charge separation at the dye/semiconductor interface, is found similar for all of these systems, large differences in solar cells efficiencies are observed. We have thus explored the adsorption geometry of the same ZnTPPs at the surface of ZnO and TiO2 using UV-visible absorption and NEXAFS spectroscopies and scanning tunnel microscopy. It is found that that dye/dye interactions is an important factor, for electron transfer to the substrate. For ZnTPPs, upright adsorption opens deleterious exciton delocalization pathways, due to dipole/dipole interactions competing with electron transfer to the substrate. Choosing the adsorption geometry is thus critical for the electronic pathway control.