AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Advanced Surface Engineering Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session SE+SS-WeM

Paper SE+SS-WeM10
The Experiment of Surface Tension Driven Flow with Various Parameters on JEM/ISS

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 11:00 am, Room 104

Session: Surface Engineering for Thermal Management
Presenter: Shinichi Yoda, Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency
Authors: S. Yoda, Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency
S. Matsumoto, JAXA, Japan
A. Komiya, Tohoku University, Japan
Correspondent: Click to Email

The surface tension driven flow (Marangoni) experiments were carried out by using 50mm diam. with liquid bridge of Silicones oil under microgravity condition on Japanese Experiment Module on International Space Station. The parameters in these experiments were liquid bridge length being corresponded to aspect ratio which is defined as liquid length/liquid diam., and temperature difference between hot and cold disks which sustains the liquid bridge. The particles coated by gold to fit with the density of the liquid silicones were inserted into the liquid bridge. Observing the movement of the particles by three CCD camera, we can determine the flow behavior of Marangoni with different temperature as 3 dimension observation of the flow. Moreover, two ultrasonic transducers were attached in the cold disk to measure the particles velocity. The number of experiments done on JEM were more than 40 times with around 6 hr for all each experiment. The Marangoni number was changed with aspect ratio. The smaller aspect ratio around showed smaller critical Marangoni numbers, whereas the lager those were larger the numbers.