AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Advanced Surface Engineering Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session SE+PS-WeA

Paper SE+PS-WeA3
Polyimide Surface Treatment to Hydrophobic Surface with Self Assembled Mask Layer for Direct Inkjet Patterning Process

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 2:40 pm, Room 104

Session: Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas
Presenter: JaeBeom Park, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
Authors: J.B. Park, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
Correspondent: Click to Email

The inkjet printing technology is emerging as one of the important process technologies for electronics, because it can significantly reduce the manufacturing process cost, materials waste, and number of process steps. Especially, many researchers investigating the inkjet-printed process have focused their attention on the printing of conductive films on a polymer film. The technique is not suitable for applying to organic transistors yet, because its pattern width is limited to several dozens μm by statistical variations of the flight direction of droplets and their spreading on the substrate.

In this study, polyimide film was treated to hydrophobic surface using modified atmospheric pressure plasma system (double discharge system). Especially, for keeping the surface characteristics permanently, surface of the polymer film was etch/textured with self assembled mask layer to form the textured polymer surface. The texturing process is progressed for 4 process step. The mask layer(HMDS) is deposited and agglomeration/oxidation by using atmospheric discharge of HMDS/He/O2 gas mixture through 1st step and 2nd step . And Etch and texturing process is progressed with atmospheric discharge of He/O2/Ar gas mixture in 3rd step. And the mask layer is removed in 4rd step using NF3/N2 gas mixture of remote atmospheric plasma. In the 2nd process, the HMDSO mask layer is formed specific tissue layer as the input power was increased. And the morphology is also varied with the whole size of the HMDSO mask layer. And this whole process is possible because of perfect etch selectivity between the polyimide film and HMDSO layer. The contact angle of textured polyimide film was measured over the 100 degree and varied with textured surface morphology. And keeping the pattern width of inkjet printing was clearly improved compare with normal polymer surface.