AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session PS+SS-WeM

Paper PS+SS-WeM11
Interaction of Chlorine Plasma with SixCly Coated Plasma Reactor Chamber Walls

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 11:20 am, Room 202

Session: Plasma Surface Interactions (Fundamentals & Applications) I
Presenter: Rohit Khare, University of Houston
Authors: R. Khare, University of Houston
A. Srivastava, University of Houston
V.M. Donnelly, University of Houston
Correspondent: Click to Email

The interplay between chlorine plasmas and silicon chloride (SixCly) coated reactor walls has been studied by line-of-sight mass spectrometry in a radio frequency (rf) inductively coupled Cl2 plasma (ICP), using the spinning wall method. A bare silicon wafer was etched in a 400 Watt Cl2 ICP, with rf power applied to the stage resulting in a -110 VDC self-bias. Etch products were deposited on the plasma reactor walls and the rotating substrate surface, resulting in a thick layer of SixCly that was characterized in situ by Auger electron spectroscopy. Some oxygen also incorporated into the film due to erosion of the fused silica discharge tube. The reactions of chlorine plasmas with this prepared surface were then studied by line-of-sight mass spectrometry. Without substrate bias, the chlorine plasma etches the SixCly layer to form products that result in detection of SiClx (x = 1-4) m/e components, as well as oxy-silicon-chloride products (m/e= 177, 247, 307, 361). In one experiment, after the deposition of dense SixCly layer on reactor and substrate surfaces, substrate rotation was stopped and the film was etched from the reactor walls with the chlorine plasma, leaving only the SixCly layer on 2/3rd of the substrate surface that was out of the plasma. Upon resuming rotation, and exposing the SixCly loaded surface to the Cl2 plasma, SiClx products were detected, but at suppressed levels, indicating that the evolution of etch products is a complex “recycling” process in which these species deposit and desorbs from the walls many times, and repeatedly fragment in the plasma. These and other experiments will be discussed. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation and Lam Research Corporation.