AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    MEMS and NEMS Group Friday Sessions
       Session MN-FrM

Paper MN-FrM3
Pull-in Experiments on Electrostatically Actuated Microfabricated Meso Scale Beams

Friday, November 4, 2011, 9:00 am, Room 105

Session: Characterization of Materials and Structures at the Micro- and Nano-scale
Presenter: Slava Krylov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Authors: Y. Gerson, Tel Aviv University, Israel
I. Sokolov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
T. Nachmias, RAFAEL LTD, Israel
S. Lulinsky, Tel Aviv University, Israel
S. Krylov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Correspondent: Click to Email

Meso scale (hundreds of micrometers to several millimeters) MEMS sensors and actuators are beneficial in applications where large displacements, manufacturability, and ease of integration with existing mechanical and packaging environments are required.
In this work we report on the results of characterization and modeling of electrostatically actuated meso scale beams. The beams with clamped ends were 5000 μm long, 150 μm thick and 10, 12 and 15 μm wide and were operated by a parallel plate electrode located at the distance of 20 μm from the beam. The goal of the work was twofold. First, we demonstrate the feasibility of electrostatic actuation of the meso scale devices and ability to achieve relatively large displacement. Second, an electrostatically actuated double clamped micro beam is viewed as a kind of benchmark problem and was intensively studied. However, the number of reported experimental results, which can serve for validation of models, is limited. We anticipate that our experimental results, obtained using larger meso scale structures and therefore relatively more accurate, could provide a reliable experimental reference for a double clamped beam actuated by a parallel-plate electrode.
The devices were fabricated by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE)-based process from highly doped Si using a silicon on insulator (SOI) wafer with [111] surface orientation and 150 μm thick device layer. The experimental approach based on the use of SOI wafers allows to fabricate devices with low residual stress and excellent mechanical properties of Si. The devices were operated in ambient air conditions. Linearly increasing (ramp) voltages were applied quasistatically to the actuation electrode and easily visualized in-plane (parallel to the wafer surface) motion of the devices was registered using an optical microscope and a CCD camera. The response was video recorded, the movie was split into separate frames and the voltage–displacement dependence was built using customized edge detection image processing procedure implemented in Matlab. The critical pull-in voltage varied between 70 V in (nominally) 10 mm wide beam and up to 125 V in 15 mm wide beams. In addition, pull-in behavior of the beams was modeled using several approaches, staring from simplified reduced order models based on the Galerkin decomposition with linear eigenmodes as base functions and up to fully coupled nonlinear large deflection three-dimensional simulations. The actual dimensions of each beam, carefully measured using scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used in calculations. Excellent agreement between the results provided by the model and the experimental data was observed.